Amira Hass has written a disturbing piece in Haaretz. None of the 'news' in it is of course, new. I recall seeing a similar scene in John Pilger's Palestine is Still the Issue, where he is visiting a recently attacked cultural building in Palestine, where Israeli troops had smeared shit everywhere.
Aside from the horror of being bombed into oblivion, watching as family members are shot, dismembered and torn to pieces, this may seem small, yet it adds another dimension to some of the depravity rampant within the troops (can we call them that?) of the Israeli Defence Forces.
Pots of urine, feces on the Walls, how IDF troops vandalised Gaza Homes
In the midst of all of this were plastic bottles of urine and many closed bags - in some houses, olive-colored ones - of excrement. People assumed that the commanders stayed there. There are houses where excrement was smeared on the walls, or where dry piles of it were found in corners. In many cases, the smells indicated that soldiers had urinated on piles of clothing or inside a washing machine. In all the houses the toilets were overflowing and clogged, and there was filth all around. When the Abu Eidas returned to house No. 5 in Jabalya, they discovered pots of urine and excrement in the refrigerator.
There is something wrong with anyone who would do this. Seriously mentally wrong. Of course we are talking about the 'most moral army in the world' whatever that means, so I guess it can all be forgiven. And of course - this is NOT reported here in North America, as spinning this would be just too much work. Reading the comments section on this story opens eyes even further, as I find reading comments on most news sites does. How anyone could defend such disgusting practice is beyond me. The soldiers themselves should be forced back and made to clean it up, without gloves and using their own toothbrushes.
And one other thing - what it is with the fascination with feces? Really?
Edited to add: I had a chat with my dear old Dad on this. He fought in the second World War, he saw many horrid things. I asked him whether or not when they took over areas of Germany, he saw any soldiers doing these sorts of things in the homes of these peoples, or whether he heard of anything of the sort. His emphatic answer was no. For some idea of what my father felt of allied behaviour, he has always condemned the Brits and the Americans for wanton bombing runs serving no purpose other than to terrorise the local populace. He has no problem being critical of the actions of the allies, and he was a career military man.
So where does this sort of behaviour come from?
Oh yeah, the mad bent Israelis have for shitting on things. Weird isn't it? Have you been reading about the teenage Israeli tour groups that go to Poland for the Holocaust tours? They seem to have a thing about shitting everywhere too. It seems that nearly all the hotels in Poland have banned them now. You'd really have to wonder at people who choose to shit in a bed rather than in a toilet. Weird.
fuck that's gross
why do they do that??
it's just so fucking wrong.
do you think they have some major psychological issues?
wasn't there that crazy fellow recently pictued smearing his shit?
Perhaps they all need some seroquel?
God knows they need something.
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