Monday, June 29, 2009

Today's Public Service Announcement... Skunks...

I write this in the hopes that others who have suffered the cruel fate of having their animals sprayed by a skunk will learn how to deal with the issue of lingering stench.

I have a killer kat. He often eats squirrels and bunnies. I think he maybe thought that the skunk was a larger squirrel. Not so, clearly.

He got sprayed. Full on.. in the face. Then of course proceeded to run wild through every room in the house. He is hiding right now, somewhere outside, drooling and moaning. I'll let him calm down a bit, then it's treatment time.

I went to the drug store, thankfully it opens early, myself reeking to highest of heavens. Yes I got some looks, but then what do I care what others may or may not think of me!? I purchased some Selsun, not Selsun blue, but regular old Selsun with 2.5% Selenium Sulphide.

This will be applied to the cat, carefully, then rinsed again, taking caution not to lose half the skin on my arms in the process. The Selsun acts via an exchange reaction with the sulphides in the skunk stink, rendering it virtually odourless. Thank goodness for my uni days spent in chemistry!

Now, what to do with the rest of the bloody house!!

Here is the killer in action:


Penny said...


that cat looks like my cat, cept mine is older, chubbier and a girl.

Magdelena said...

Yeah, well he's not too pleased right now. He's hiding in the hedges. I think he's embarrassed - the other cats are all giving him hairy eyeballs! He looks miserable.

Gawds Pen... the whole house stinks. I can bloody taste it. Arghhhh. yuck is right.

Well it will be all fun and games when it comes to washing time. He at least doesn't mind water. Now - to coax him into the open and get cleaning...


Mr. Orange has learned his lesson though I believe. I can't see him attempting to eat a skunk again.

nobody said...

Ha ha ha ha, most excellent! This is one of those gags where the phrase 'you had to be there' doesn't apply. It's only funny if you weren't there. Anyway I think it's brilliant. Score one to the skunk!

Doug Plumb said...

My bird was just chewing on the bathroom door. So I chewed on a piece of clean wood sticking out of her cage and got attacked for it. Hopefully this time she will get the message to stop chewing on wood in my territory.


I thought bathing her in tomato juice would kill the skunk smell. Its so much fun bathing a cat 8-)

Magdelena said...

Well aren't you boys just.. so .. funny...


The cat now smells like selsun. Mostly. He was very good about me lathering, rinse and repeating...


He was very, very wet. However, I am somewhat lucky since he is also the cat who chases the water when it comes out of the hose - so it doesn't faze him too much - being wet that it. He even stays out in the rain.. then climbs in next to me on the pillow.


Animals... *sigh*

But we love them, and this guy is a character, probably the 'smartest' cat I've ever had actually. Outside of this embarassing moment for him (which I'm sure he's attempting to forget). Better he sticks to the squirrels and bunnies.

Doug Plumb said...

"Well aren't you boys just.. so .. funny..."

That's why we are men. Its our job to be funny and entertain the ladies. Its always been that way.